• Skydiving! No Sh**! OK, Maybe a Little.

    Video speaks for itself!

  • The Latest Ditty

    Who doesn’t like a good arson joke?? Although the current economy is a mixed blessing for an arsonist… Lots of…

  • On The Same Stage as Emo

    I saw Emo Philips perform at Comix a few months ago. He is one of my favorite comedians, so I…

  • Another Caroline’s Show

    This one includes some new material, but is mostly the same as the other show at Caroline’s.

  • More Stand Up Comedy

    I don’t consider this my best show, but it is all new jokes. Enjoy.

  • Another Show, Another Chuckle

    I just did another show at Caroline’s, and I think it went really well. I focused on maintaining eye contact,…

  • My Stand Up Comedy

    I promised I would post it, so post it I shall. This is my 5 minute bit from May 18th…

  • …And It Was Funny.

    So the day finally came and I did my stand-up comedy routine at Caroline’s on Boradway. I think I did…

  • Sometimes America Sucks

    There, I said it. It’s true. Sometimes America sucks. It sucks to travel overseas and feel embarrassed to be American.…

  • Random Development Projects

    A few weeks ago I blogged about a cheat I developed for Boggle (or Scramble, whatever). Well, I guess I…