• Budgeting for Search Marketing

    This article was originally published on Resolution Media’s blog, FindResolution.com. In my highly-biased and in no way impartial opinion, there is…

  • Your Best Ad Copy – According to Whom?

    This article was originally published on Resolution Media’s blog, FindResolution.com. As search marketers, we all know the value in testing…

  • New Stand Up

    I have been on stage lately, but I have been woefully negligent in keeping up this blog.  It seems like…

  • Protected: doubleclick test

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Show at Laugh Lounge

    This is a show I did on April 24th.  Aside from the still-persistent pacing, I think it was a good…

  • From Blogger to WordPress

    I had to do it.  I was one of the few Blogger users still publishing via FTP, a method they…

  • More Stand Up by Ammon Brown

    This show was OK. Better stage presence but I missed a lot of new jokes because I choked a bit.…

  • New Stand Up

    There are a few new jokes in here. They do need to mic the audience and I do need to…

  • RickRoll Hotline!

    So I am what you might call a fan of the rickroll. For Halloween I dressed up as Rick Astley…

  • Yet Another Comedy Clip

    A lot of the same jokes, but I think I missed a few. I still don’t have a video where…