• A Few Events

    Geez, one would think that my life is actually interesting lately. I am planning another paintball excursion, but this time…

  • Ride This!

    Anyone who knows me knows I hate the subway during rush hour (I know, drama-bomb!). Riding the train puts the…

  • Testing sms updating.

    I am testing updating my blog via text message using utterz.com. I took a picture of me at work for…

  • I am a dirty, dirty cheater.

    So I started playing the scramble game on facebook recently. I am a big scrabble player so it appeals to…

  • Nuts for Jericho

    So I was browsing through channels the other day and came across a marathon of the show Jericho on Universal…

  • Ammon Brown: Homeowner!

    Yes, it is true. We closed on our apartment yesterday, so we now own a home! Well, the bank owns…

  • Ammon Brown’s Site, Dammit!

    I am peeved. I am peeved that when you do a search for “Ammon Brown” you get the dot net…

  • Obama Mia!

    OK, I tried. I tried not listening to the hype over the next presidential election. But you just can’t help…

  • An Interesting Year to Say the Least

    It has been nearly a year since my last post. A few times over the past year I meant to…

  • Kelsey Golden Brown 1978-2006

    I love this picture of my brother. He would not shave throughout the ski season for warmth, and the end…