Wow, spontaneuity can be fun! We decided on Tuesday night to go to see the Kodo Drummers at Carnegie Hall on Wednesday night. If you get a chance to see them, it is worth the time. They put on a great sow, lots of energy and drums as big as my apartment. But watch out for the flute solos. They will lull you to sleep and your wife will think she just wasted thirty bucks on your ticket. I really did enjoy it, I was just tired. Honest. It is snowing hard here in NYC right now. It was sleeting this morning, then hailing, now snowing. I know the difference now, because I researched it. Fascinating what a few simple web searches can teach you.
Great job Ammon! I give the cab joke a thumbs up.
Hahaha, that’s great! I rickrolled Bob, my old boss, more times than I can remember. His ringtone in my phone…
A little smoother in your presentation but I still say your real humor talent is in your spontaneous wit!Nevertheless a…
Good set man. I like the “and that’s not true either” add ons.
Me too. Although I haven’t moved the 1/2 dozen of blog sites out there that use FTP. I’m waiting for…