Yes, it is true. We closed on our apartment yesterday, so we now own a home! Well, the bank owns the majority of it. Yesterday was a bit of a nutty day, we had errands to run in the morning and I got a call from our current landlord. He was upset that we were moving out so late in the month (a month we paid for) and yelled at me for wanting to leave food in the fridge and and our cat in the apartment until after the closing, which was at 2. It turns out that he had promised the new tenants that they could move in early. When we said our closing was at 2, he assumed that we would be out by then. As a result, we threw away all of our food and took the cat to our closing. It was pretty amusing, as we were both dressed like crap and had a cat in tow while everyone else was wearing suits. We were also a half hour late due to traffic, but we figured they would wait for the people who came bearing the big check.
As it was, we moved in last night, after having been homeless for about two hours. The apartment is awesome, as you can see from the pictures. It is in the Carroll Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn and is 1/2 a block from the F train, a huge plus in NYC. As it is, we are living amidst a sea of boxes and we’re expecting our furniture to come trickling in throughout the next month. It is nice to no longer be paying rent, but it sucks that I may wind up suing yet another landlord who has decided to disregard the law and withhold my security deposit. I’ll keep you posted on that front.
Me too. Although I haven’t moved the 1/2 dozen of blog sites out there that use FTP. I’m waiting for…