Triumphant Return
Well, it’s a return, anyway. Life is dandy. Let me get you up to date… I now live in lovely Ithaca, NY. It is already getting cold here, and the misery of Ithaca winter should be descending upon us any time. I am playing a lot of poker for the time being and looking into teaching GMAT classes. I have also talked to a few people about doing some consulting for website advertising, but nothing has come of that yet. Poker is going swell. I played an online tournament for $100 on Wednesday and made $2500. I went to Turning Stone Casino on Thursday to play a few tournaments. I left with $100 less than I went with and a $1000 voucher in my pocket for a tournament they are holding in October. I think that covers the trip. On Friday we drove to Atlantic City. I played a few tournaments with limited success, but I did leave with a $500 voucher for a tournament coming up later this month. Whoopie. The entire trip was rather unlucky. I played very well in my opinion, and I should have had more to show for it. Oh, well. We had a great time in the car. Road trips are so much fun. I now know all of the words to more than one Brittney Spears song, thank you, ClearChannel for homogenizing America’s musical selection. I promise I will make more of an effort to keep this updated. I shal;l regale you with stories of poker success! I need a real job!