Big Day
Today is my 3 year wedding anniversary. I have been making a certain someone’s life miserable for a full three years! So all of you who took the under on three, pay up. The vegas line is always wrong! I also get to go see Spiderman 2 today. My company bought all of the tickets to a showing today and doled out the tickets. Gonna be a good day!
Monthly Archives: June 2004
Check it out! The Saudis read my blog.
We were just walking through Central Park on the way home when we saw a big crowd of people milling around. Naturally, like the lemmings we are, we gravitated toward them. We got there just a few moments before the Olympic Torch was brought through and passed on to the next runner. Talk about the right place at the right time! If my cell phone were not dead at the time I would have snapped a picture. Kind of an interesting, one of a kind thing to witness.
We crave it. We go to great lengths to get it. We deal with unsavory types in dangerous areas to obtain it. Without it we have trouble functioning. Not using it is expensive and excludes us from a great portion of our lives as we know it. No, not drugs, oil. And I do not recommend snorting crude, it burns the sinuses. I have been reading more and more about the situation in Saudia Arabia and the middle east in general. Our dependency on oil gives these psychopaths so much leverage over us it is ridiculous. Eventually the US or the Saudi governement will have to buckle to some type of pressure to maintain the flow of the precious carbon juice. I see no short term solutions to our dependency and subsequent terror problems other than more warmongering and playing whack-a-mole with terrorists, since we certainly can’t leave the middle east. These guys are not stupid, they know that if they attack the oil infrastructure (read: foreign workers) in Saudi Arabia one of two things will happen: The Saudi governemnt will start capitulating to demands and eventually crumble, or they will lose their lifeblood and eventually crumble. My short term solution to thwarting the recurring attacks and kidnappings? Arm and train everyone. If a terrorist group knows that the civilians they are about to attack will fight back with deadly force, maybe they will rethink their tactics. Fight fire with fire. This rant is way too long for one post. I will rant more later.
What a Slacker.
I am officially a slacker. I have been out of touch with family, friends, blog, and world. I have no excuse, I only ask forgiveness. Very little has changed, other than Christine moving back to NYC with me for the summer and me starting a new job. Google is treating me well, although I am no longer #1 when searching for “Ammon Brown.” The job is good and I am surrounded by great people. The office is awesome, we have a balcony that we can eat lunch on. I have been adjusting to a new schedule and am just now starting to feel that I am back on track for the full work day. Beyond a few weekend trips I really have no plans this summer. Kind of sad, but it is difficult to take time off from a new job. Pathetic update, but that’s all you get.