By Popular Demand OK, no more boring posts! Since people want to hear the scintillating details of my sordid life after all, I will dive right in! This morning I awoke at 7:40 AM to the pulsing techno beats of my alarm clock. I leapt out of bed, prepared to tackle the day, but first things first… Clean underwear! I charged down the street, narrowly avoiding the weirdo asking for change by hiding behind a mound of garbage and vaulting over three cars. I arrived at the laundry place and hefted my laundry over my shoulder, muscles flexing and sinews straining under the load. Upon arriving home, I showered, dressed, and packed a bag for Ithaca, where I venture every weekend in search of a beautiful lady. I returned a few DVDs to Blockbuster, hopped on a train (on the train, mind you. Not in it), and said hi to my muffin vendor, who shot me a knowing look as he said to have a good weekend. And now, here I am at work. I would say you are up to date on my sordid life now. Don’t you feel fulfilled?

  1. Me too. Although I haven’t moved the 1/2 dozen of blog sites out there that use FTP. I’m waiting for…

  2. Great job Ammon! I give the cab joke a thumbs up.

  3. Hahaha, that’s great! I rickrolled Bob, my old boss, more times than I can remember. His ringtone in my phone…

  4. A little smoother in your presentation but I still say your real humor talent is in your spontaneous wit!Nevertheless a…

  5. Good set man. I like the “and that’s not true either” add ons.