A Warm Welcome… To all my new readers. Or new commenters. Whichever you are. Some of my familiy has discovered my blog. A blessing or a curse? A blessing methinks. Not everyone agrees. Read this article in the Onion for another perspective. Actually, that article is gone. Sorry. Oh, and a HUGE shout out to my favorite lurker, Craig. You’re my BOY, Blue!
Monthly Archives: November 2003
AAAARGH! This is what I get for depending on Blogger. A magnum opus of a blog post gets wiped out by an “Internal Server Error”. Piece of junk. OK, I will try to recreate as best I can the marvelous post I wrote earlier. I am sure its magnificence has faded somewhat in my memory, so please bear with me.
Affluenza: I have been reading this book, and it feels so much more relevant in light of this weekend’s “Holiday”. I tend to agree with Bill Maher’s book on parts of this issue (which, by the way, is HILARIOUS). He said it is ridiculous that we are asked to consume to help the economy, or the war effort, or the government. By buying more junk to surround ourselves with, we are only feuling government tax revenues and corporate profits, which turn into campaign contributions anyway. Whatever happened to keeping out of debt? Whatever happened to planting a victory garden or saving tin? No, we should all go out and buy more stuff to give our lives meaning. I like the idea of Buy Nothing Day. Not because it is a slap to the economy, but because it points out an important issue. Affluenza. Even I (yes, I!) fall victim to Affluenza occasionally. Heck, I have way too much stuff. Why, if I did not define myself by my belongings, I would just throw it all out!
Taking it to the next level
Here is a conversation I think will happen more and more:
“We have known each other for a few weeks, right?”
“I guess so.”
“Well, I think this relationship needs to go to the next level.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“I’ll just come out and say it. I don’t know if you are ready for this, but can I add you to my Friendster network?”
“Gosh, that is a big step in our relationship. I’ll have to think about it.”
“Take your time. I know it is a big decision.”
The question I am asking here is when is it appropriate to add someone to your friendster network? And what is the statute of limitations on a friendship? Am I allowed to add new acquaintances that I find there? Would they find it creepy? Also, can I add grade school friends? I have already met up with a few, but where is the line drawn? I don’t want to be that guy who adds someone and they say, “Ammon who?”. Help me out here, people.
Addiction. I find online poker to be fascinating. Too fascinating. I have become somewhat addicted to playing at PokerRoom.com. I find I can typically place in the top three in the single table tournaments, which wins me anywhere from $500 to $2000 net. Of course, we are talking about play money. I would not have the cojones to bet real money. It makes for interesting play, because people play like retards when there is no real money involved. It is good fun but not all that realistic for practicing real poker. But it is easy to take people’s fake money away from them. If any of you wants to play the master, step right up. I am usually in the $500 single table tournaments with the screen name “ammbo.” Come help me break my addiction by beating me repeatedly.
YES!!!!! Hey, You Guuuuuuys!
Amusingness. While I may not necessarily agree… no, that is the wrong word. Though I may not necessarily care about the issue put on this site, I cannot argue with their clever and amusing method of going about it. Viral marketing is the way of the future, and only the clever will win. It works because I want to share it with my friend(s?), who will share it with theirs. Now let me be clear on this issue. It is not that I do not feel that this is an unimportant issue, it is simply not a priority for me. Once we treat people better then we can look to treat animals better. In the meantime, we should all get these shirts. Just in case an alternative is needed.
By Popular Demand OK, no more boring posts! Since people want to hear the scintillating details of my sordid life after all, I will dive right in! This morning I awoke at 7:40 AM to the pulsing techno beats of my alarm clock. I leapt out of bed, prepared to tackle the day, but first things first… Clean underwear! I charged down the street, narrowly avoiding the weirdo asking for change by hiding behind a mound of garbage and vaulting over three cars. I arrived at the laundry place and hefted my laundry over my shoulder, muscles flexing and sinews straining under the load. Upon arriving home, I showered, dressed, and packed a bag for Ithaca, where I venture every weekend in search of a beautiful lady. I returned a few DVDs to Blockbuster, hopped on a train (on the train, mind you. Not in it), and said hi to my muffin vendor, who shot me a knowing look as he said to have a good weekend. And now, here I am at work. I would say you are up to date on my sordid life now. Don’t you feel fulfilled?
Nothing to report. No, really. move along. This post is boring. I am not going to talk about my life because there really is nothing of note happening. Instead, I will talk about this post. You see, this post has no content other than referring to itself. It has almost no point other than to point to itself. This boring post in which nothing happens is similar to a story composed entirely of self-referential sentences. Now this boring blog post is over. Don’t you feel like you just wasted a minute of your life on this lame post?
Have You Seen My Baseball? We went to the Yankee love-fest known as the Baseball Hall of Fame this weekend. I can see why Yankee fans are such arrogant sissies, since they pretty much own the hall of fame. Not a whole lot of Mariners in there. Poop. It was weel worth the trip and an awful lot of fun. I highly recommend it to everyone. I got me a Mariner’s 1977 throwback hat at one of the many souvenier stores. Quite nice. You are all either jealous or will be when you see how dashing I am in it. Heh.