Well, here is an interesting tidbit… My brother Noble wound up in the hospital with viral pericarditis. And on my parent’s anniversary, no less. Apparently he had some virus attacking his heart and had some nasty chest pains. Believe it or not, this is a good thing. If it had been bacterial, we would not know about it until he collapsed. So thankfully, he will be up and around in a few days and just have to take it easy for a month or so. He does, however, get to hang out in the hospital for a few days and eat ice cream and self medicate. I am so jealous. Every time I self medicate I wind up in prison. 🙂
But seriously, Christine’s parents are leaving today. But they will not be soon forgotten. Probably because they left behind enough food to feed a small country and/or Oprah. They were only here for three days, but they left enough unidentifiable vegetables to last three months. They always do that, though. It is to be expected. Oh, well.
By the way, I am changing my hosting company to Arias, so the site will be unavailable for a while. But if you can read this, it is a moot point because it will be back up by the time you read this. Duh.
Me too. Although I haven’t moved the 1/2 dozen of blog sites out there that use FTP. I’m waiting for…