So I was kind of planning on ranting about all the random crap I have in my house, but I have more important things on my mind. I think I just fried my power supply. I installed my DVD burner, then fired up the computer. The jumpers were set wrong on the CDrom drive, so I opened it back up and switched the jumper. Closed the case, and hit the power button. POP! Huh? Hit the button again. POP! Then in smelled like burning electrical component. You know, like when you hold the wheels of an electric car and fire up the motor and it just starts smoking? That kind of smell. I tried turning it on again and now I get nothing. No sign of life. I am assuming that two case fans, a CPU fan, three hard drives, two IDE drives, and a partridge in a pear tree would not be enough to overload a 480 watt power supply, but Antec has other ideas. But what do I know, I am only a quasi-geek. Aargh! I really do hope it is the power supply and I did not fry anything useful. If so, I shall be very put out. So now, Christine’s dad is going to come this weekend and want to see my cool new computer and I will have to tell him that I fried it because I am a retard. Maybe Gooby got static in it while I wasn’t looking. If so, he will be summarily executed. Death by being forced to eat a metal object, shoved into a mason jar and placed in the microwave for three hours on low. That is how angry I am, I am fantasizing about taking it out on the cat. And all of my knowledgeable friends are out at Patsy’s, (quite possibly the happiest place on Earth), so I can’t pathetically IM them and grovel for free tech support. Had we just gone up there with them instead of going to see the new Jet Li movie, this would not have happened. At least not right away, anyway. Oh, yeah, the movie ruled and I have too much stuff in my house.

  1. Me too. Although I haven’t moved the 1/2 dozen of blog sites out there that use FTP. I’m waiting for…

  2. Great job Ammon! I give the cab joke a thumbs up.

  3. Hahaha, that’s great! I rickrolled Bob, my old boss, more times than I can remember. His ringtone in my phone…

  4. A little smoother in your presentation but I still say your real humor talent is in your spontaneous wit!Nevertheless a…

  5. Good set man. I like the “and that’s not true either” add ons.