Oh, Huzzah! At long last, I finally posted my picture pages! You can see them here. I put up the old pictures from Browntribe as well as a bunch of new ones from our trip to Costa Rica and Mexico. I was up all night perfecting a script to automatically publish these, so y’all better appreciate what I go through for your mild bemusement. I have yet more plans for this little site, so stay tuned. I also came across some fun little poetry by my old friend Dave Huseby, who, by the way, I think I just tracked down through a google search. It would be interesting if he tracked me down the same way one of these days. Anyway, I’ll post that because it is amusing. It is right here. Remember this, Dave?
Anyhoo, I Had an interesting day today. I was walking down the street very close to my old apartment on Bleecker Street with JD and Christine and this woman walks up and tells us that she bets we are jobless and just sucking up society’s energy. She said, “I bet you didn’t even go to college!” Of course we all replied that we all had, and that both of them went to Columbia. She decided to pick on JD, so she asked him what he studied. When he said computers, she said that any five year old could run a computer. Such vitriol! Now this is not even the amusing part. I know this woman. She looked bad when I met her, but she looked worse now and pretty much homeless. She once bummed a few quarters from me to do laundry and then proceeded to share all of her delusionary ramblings with me. For an hour. She lives in a huge apartment in the village and pays $150 per month because she was born and raised there in the 50s. The New York Times has repeatedly refused to print her articles. I didn’t have a chance to dig into her today because she huffed off to bother other people. Anyway, she did not need any crap from me. She looked like Ellen Burstyn toward the end of Requiem for a Dream. Not pleasant. But I found it amusing that she judged us so quickly when it was I who knew much more about her than she did me. Oh, well. These are the crazy people we meet here in New York City. I love this city!
For both of my regular readers, I know I promised a rant on the media, but that will just have to wait. Maybe tomorrow.